How To Build A Shower Pan On A Concrete Floor

Building a shower pan on a concrete floor can seem daunting but relatively straightforward. In this post, we will guide you through the steps required to build a shower pan on a concrete floor, including the materials and techniques you’ll use. Whether you want to install a custom shower in your bathroom or replace an old shower pan, this guide will give you the knowledge and confidence to take on the project yourself. So, let’s get started!

How to Prepare a Concrete Floor for a Shower Pan Installation

Preparing a concrete floor for a shower pan installation may seem intimidating, but it can be done with confidence by following a few simple steps. Start by selecting the right shower base and constructing a sturdy mortar bed on the concrete slab. If you’re aiming for a curbless shower, learning how to build it to meet the building code requirements is important. Once you know the type of shower you’re building, make sure you use the correct materials commonly used to build them. Finally, remember to pay close attention to the thickness of the pre-slope to ensure a successful installation. With these steps in mind, preparing your concrete floor for a new shower pan will be a breeze!

The Benefits of Using Metal Lath in Your Custom Shower Pan

Are you considering installing a custom shower pan in your bathroom? Look no further than using metal lath for superior performance. Using a trowel, this durable material creates a sleek, lasting finish that will withstand daily wear and tear in your shower area. Forget worrying about costly repairs or unsightly leaks – metal lath secures your tile shower easily, using roofing nails for added security. Step up your remodelling game with the countless benefits of metal lath!

Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Custom Shower Pan 

Building a custom shower pan on a concrete floor involves several steps, and the first is preparing the subfloor. Once the subfloor is ready, installing the shower walls is next. Then, the layer of the shower pan should be built using a cement board, followed by the first layer of mortar. The installed shower must be positioned at the centre of the shower stall, and a cement board should be installed around the shower area. To ensure the shower is properly constructed, a layer of mortar and tile should be installed to create a waterproof shower enclosure.

The perimeter of the shower must be properly measured to determine the number of materials needed, typically calculated per foot. The layer over the shower liner should be made of a mixture of Portland cement and sand, and the shower pan can be built using a fibreglass pan. The depth of the pre-slope should allow for the thickness of the top layer of mortar, which is determined by the height of the tile work. Finally, the top edge of the liner should be secured, and the building code will determine the thickness of the layer. It is important to ensure the curb is properly constructed to prevent water leakage, and the distance from the drain to the shower opening should be 12 inches.

concrete flooring

How to Properly Adjust the Drain for Your Mortar Shower Pan

To create the perfect shower experience in your bathroom, you must know how to adjust the drain for your mortar shower pan properly. Whether building a new shower or installing a new drain, following the right steps for a waterproof seal is important:

  1. Ensure the shower drain base is securely attached to the concrete shower.
  2. Insert the adjustable drain flange and apply adhesive to the bottom of the shower.
  3. Use a mortar pan to slope towards the drain opening. Be sure to leave about 1 inch of space between the top of the liner and the bottom of the drain so that water can flow through the weep holes.
  4. Create a waterproof membrane by covering the entire shower with a waterproof liner and sealing it at the top of the drain opening.

By following these steps, you can ensure the longevity and beauty of your shower.

Tips for Installing Tile Backer Board on Your Shower Floor

Are you ready to transform your shower space with beautiful new floor tile? With our tips for installing tile backer boards on your shower floor, you’ll have the confidence and know-how to tackle this rewarding project. First, make sure you have a solid, level concrete base and subfloor to work with. Next, carefully measure and mark the desired tile height before installing the board. Finally, install the tile according to the manufacturer’s instructions and voila – you’ll have a stunning new shower floor in no time!


In conclusion, building a custom shower pan on a concrete floor is not easy, but it can be achieved with the right tools, materials, and techniques. The key to success is careful planning and attention to detail. Following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, you can create a beautiful, functional, and waterproof shower pan that will last years. Remember to take your time, follow building code regulations, and allow for the necessary thickness and height adjustments. With practice, you’ll become an expert in building custom shower pans and be able to make your shower dreams a reality.

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